Saturday, 17 September 2011

We're Jamming

I love making jam. Even though I'm terrible at it. And I don't eat it. But not everything you do has to make sense. As long as you're jamming when you're doing it. Like Bob Marley says: "Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow...We're jamming till the jam is through."

I sincerely dislike reggae but I have so many happy memories of Bob. Or rather, I have so few memories of my many happy memories of Bob. I miss youth. I miss the crazy. I miss the fact that things didn't have to make sense. Hours of the day were irrelevant. Drugs and alcohol could pass through your body without blipping the radar. And rules and responsibility certainly didn't blip the radar. In retrospect - dangerous times. Yet somehow, life was just a little bit funnier back then.

One night I was with three guys. (*No, not that way - even crazy has its limits!). The four of us drank enough to make Midmar restock. Needless to say the evening isn't particularly clear but I remember Stag's Head. Pool. Boerie rolls. And somehow, the next morning, we had driven from Cape Town to Hermanus and were sitting in the car by some beach, smoking dope and staring pensively at the sea.

There was a sign near the ablution blocks. For some reason we started arguing about what it said. We all agreed that it said "The average water temperature is". What we couldn't agree on was what that average temperature was. We didn't even differ that much, a couple of degrees this way or that. But thanks to the smoking, this led to an inordinate amount of discussion and speculation. Finally, finally, it was decided that I had to go and look. Which I did. (After 20 minutes trying to figure out how to open the door.)

The sign said: "Thank you for your patience during the refurbishment of our ablution blocks".....

Oh yes. Life was definitely funnier back then. And it didn't need to make sense. Doing things for no other reason that it feels good? As Bob would say, "Right on mon..."


*In the interest of full disclosure one of those guys was my boyfriend. And when he broke up with me I took revenge by hooking up with all of his friends, including the two in the car that day. Who happened to be brothers. So, uhm, crazy has its limits, but apparently not to a coocoocook scorned...

1.2kg Strawberries 
800g Sugar  
Juice of one lemon
10 Leaves of mint
15 Black peppercorns crushed
Remove the stems and cut the strawberries up in quarters. Put the strawberries with the sugar and lemon juice in a dish. Cover and leave to macerate overnight.

On day 2 put the strawberry mix in a pot and bring to a simmer. Put back in a dish and once again leave overnight.

On day 3 sieve the strawberry mix. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Add the strawberries, mint and pepper. Boil for another 5 minutes then remove from heat. Zap with a blender but only a little bit – you want some whole strawberries. Soak 4 gelatin leaves in cold water for 5 minutes. Add to the strawberry mix.


2/3c Finely sliced dried apricot

3/4c White vinegar

3/4c White wine vinegar

1/2c Finely diced red onion
1/2c Finely diced red pepper  
2T Finely diced chillis
6c Sugar

Put apricots into vinegars and leave for a few hours. Add sugar, onions, peppers and chilli. Bring mixture to a slow boil for 10 minutes. Soak 2 gelatin leaves in cold water for 5 minutes. Add to the apricot mix.  

PS - Taste and texture are never a  problem when I make jam but thickness is and I can't find bloody pectin in this country. You can try maizena or gelatin. If my amounts don't give you the consistency you want, add more leaves.