Sunday, 12 June 2011

My Ma se Bredie

Allison has gracefully given me permission to make her and Chloe supper. This is quite a terrifying prospect. The list of food Chloe hates vs what she'll eat is like my list of people I want to sleep with vs the people who want to sleep with me. As for Allison, though she's dying of flu she's still an intimidating judge. Unlike my other friends and family she doesn't lie about liking my food and she's utterly unimpressed by my foreign or fancy foods. She therefore requested tamatie bredie. God help me - this is something SHE can make so I'm convinced I'm screwed. One Does Not Compete With Allison. (Well, one does, but one will lose). That said, I'm fairly confident about my tamatie bredie. I was taught by my mother and, considering she only ever made two dishes she, by virtue of the law of averages, had to be good at it. (Unfortunately in adulthood I learnt that her secret ingredient was whatever was going off in the fridge at the time, but I'll spare you that in my recipe!)


1.2kg lamb (neck & knuckles)
2 onions, sliced
3 tins chopped tomato
1 chilli
3 cloves garlic
0.5c tomato paste
3 potatoes

Fry the lamb in olive oil and butter until browned. Remove and presto for 0.5 hour. Meanwhile fry the onions with the chopped chilli and crushed garlic until soft. Add meat back to pan, setting juices aside. Add tomatoes, tinned and paste. Add 2t sugar, 0.5-1t chilli powder, 1t paprika, 2t mixed herbs and 1 chicken stock cube. Spoon the fat off the meat juices and add to pan. Allow to simmer slowly for 2.5 hours. Cut up potatoes and add. Simmer for another hour. Now you'll have to do the thickening - I used about 5T maizena, but it's up to your taste, I like a thick sauce.

Tamatie bredie is even better the next day but it had to do. I dished up with trepidation. (Totally unwarranted as it turns out). Waited with bated breath for the constructive commentary. (Which never came).

And isn't that just typical! I drive myself crazy worrying about what people think. So many fears, so much insecurity, such constant worry. For what?

You know what? I can do constructive commentary too:

You don't like it?

JOU ma se bredie!
