So I had some people over for dinner last night. The unofficial theme was Let's-Get-Wasted. One of my favourites since I only need to focus on the food, leaving everyone responsible for their own booze/taxi/bedding/hangover. Of course, it has the added complication that I need to pace my own intake in order to get said food out in the correct order. It simply would not do to serve the salmon after the panna cotta. No matter how many gins you've had!
The party proceeded as many such parties do - with the slow polite getting-to-know-you gradually, then rapidly, disintegrating into tremulous confessions of TMI. ("Too Much Information" for those of you not fluent in text speak).
Which got me thinking. Why is it that so often when we get drunk and talking about our lives, we inevitably return to the age old theme of blaming our childhood for our problems? Specifically, our mothers. Seems most mothers couldn't do a damn thing right. Either she was too clingy or she was too aloof. Too critical or too indifferent. She didn't love you enough or she smothered you. Poor woman didn't stand a chance.
Am I saying there aren't crap mothers out there? Hell no. I'm not even saying they didn't screw us up. But what's sad is that a lot of us moaning and groaning about our mothers are mothers too now. And guess what? WE'RE screwed up. All I'm saying is, when you were shoving fish fingers up your nose and being a child your mother wasn't just your mother but a human being too. With problems of her own. And like you now, maybe, just maybe, she did the best she could.
So give her a break. If only so that when YOUR child grows up and starts whining about how you screwed them up for life, you get to say (in that annoying self-righteous voice mothers always use):
"Well I never blamed MY mother!"
Spinach, Camembert & Pear Chutney Canapés
1T Olive oil
2 Small pears chopped up finely (I used tinned)
1T Caster sugar
1T Red wine vinegar
1.5T Tomato sauce
2T Marsala
Half a Camembert
A few leaves of spinach
Use a smallish cookie cutter to press out circles and toast for 10-15 minutes at 400F, turning once. Add 3T water and simmer everything for 10 minutes or so until reduced and thick. Season and assemble.
Rocket, Brie & Red Onion Canapés
1T Olive oil
1 Medium red onion sliced thinly
1 Clove garlic sliced
1t Rosemary chopped finely
2t White wine vinegar
3t Soft brown sugar
Half a Brie
A few leaves of rocket
Use a smallish cookie cutter to press out circles and toast for 10-15 minutes at 400F, turning once. Fry the onion until soft. Add the garlic and rosemary and fry for another couple of minutes. Add the vinegar and sugar and stir well. Season and assemble.

2 Aubergines
1 Onion finely chopped
2 Garlic cloves crushed
1/4c Chopped parsley
1T Dried oregano
1 Tin chopped tomatoes
2T Tomato paste
1c Mozzarella grated
1/2c Basil
1/4c Parmesan
300ml Cream
Slice the aubergines about 1/2-1cm thick. Sprinkle with salt, layer in a colander and put a weight on top (I used my mortar). Leave for half an hour or so and throw away the icky brown liquid that strained out. Fry the aubergine slowly in oil until soft and lightly coloured. Drain thoroughly on kitchen towel. Fry the onion and garlic until soft. Add the oregano, tomatoes and paste. Season and simmer for about about half an hour. Oil 6 ramekins (or you could do one big dish). Since ramekins are too small to use a knife and fork I quartered my aubergine slices. Layer the aubergine, followed by the mozzarella, basil then tomato sauce. Repeat until you've filled the dish. Sprinkle with parmesan. I pre-prepared mine by baking at 360F for 20 minutes, then cooled it and put it in the fridge until I was ready to serve. Then heat them at 360F for another 10 minutes. Pour 50ml cream into each ramekin and bake for another 10 minutes.

Salmon en Croûte
4 x 175g Salmon fillets
150g Full fat cream cheese
120g Watercress, rocket & spinach
500g Shortcrust pastry
1T Lemon juice
1 Egg whisked
Whizz together the cheese, leaves and lemon juice, then season well. Roll out the pastry to about 1/2cm and divide into 4. Place a fillet on each square and use half the sauce to cover the fillets. Bring the tops of the pastry together and pinch. Do the same for the sides and trim where necessary. Make a couple of slices in the pastry to allow steam to escape and brush with egg. Bake at 400F for 20-30 minutes. I covered mine half way through with foil to prevent the pastry from browning further.
This part is so deadly. To test if the salmon is done, stick a sharp knife through one of the steam vents. Leave for 3 seconds then immediately press it against the inside of your wrist. If it's hot, the salmon's done. How cool is that!
Lemon and Dill Mash
6 Large potatoes
2T Lemon juice
1T Olive oil
1T Chopped dill
1/4c Butter
1/4c Milk
1/4c Cream
1t Baking powder
Cook the potatoes until soft. Mash everything together. Season.
Apple and Fennel Slaw
1/4c Sour cream
1/4c Mayonnaise
1/4c Buttermilk
2T Lemon juice
1t Dijon mustard
1T Apple cider vinegar
2t Sugar
1t Poppy seeds
1/2t Salt
3 Small fennel bulbs
2 Tart apples (Pink Lady looks pretty)
1/2c Cabbage
Combine everything.
Espresso Panna Cotta
500ml Cream
250ml Full cream milk
1 Vanilla pod
7 Gelatin leaves
200g Caster sugar
50ml Strong espresso (If not strong enough add coffee granules, not more liquid coffee)
Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape the paste out into the cream and milk. Heat slowly, add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to infuse for half an hour. Soak gelatin in cold water. Strain cream mixture and slowly reheat. Add the coffee and the gelatin and stir until melted. Pour into moulds and allow to set for at least 2 hours. To unmould dip into hot water for a few seconds, cover with plate and tip over.
Mocha Sauce
45g Bournville
50g Cream
1T Strong coffee
1/2 - 1T Sugar
Melt everything in a bowl over a pot of simmering water. Allow to cool slightly before pouring over the panna cotta.
Cappuccino Biscotti
280g Flour
150g Sugar
1t Baking powder
1/4t Salt
1/2t Cinnamon
1t Coffee
100g Chocolate chips
3 Eggs
1t Vanilla essence
Cinnamon sugar
Mix the dry ingredients (excluding the cinnamon sugar) very well. Whisk the eggs and essence. Pour into the dry ingredients and mix together. It might seem like it's too dry but access your inner child and start scrunching it with your hands, it comes together very well. Divide and roll into two logs about 20cm x 5cm. Cover a baking tray with parchment and place logs a few centimetres apart to allow for a bit of spreading. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake at 300F for 35-40 minutes. Allow to cool slightly then cut diagonally in slices about 1cm wide. Place back onto baking tray and bake for 10 minutes. Flip over then bake for another 10 minutes.